Our Orlando SEO Rank Index measures SERP fluctuations for over 5000+ domains and keywords that our system monitors daily. It is one of the tools you can find under your ranking portal in our Google algorithm monitoring service.
We are now also logging SERP structure changes and track Google SERP features to determine whether ranking fluctuations are potentially being caused by changes in the type or number of vertical search engine results (e.g., Images, videos, News, Maps, etc.) that Google includes in their first page results.
On March 3rd, our SEO rank index discovered increased rank fluctuations on both desktop and mobile search results. While the uptick in rank fluctuations was initially moderate, the index caught an unusual and highly significant upsurge on March 9th. According to the index, fluctuations reached a level of 99 (out of 100) on desktop and 92 (out of 100) on mobile. After monitoring this over the last several days the fluctuations have seemed to tapper off.
Also note, on March 12th, Search Engine Land reported that Google, uncharacteristically, confirmed the update as being related to its core algorithm (thereby explaining the unusually high fluctuations levels of March the 9th).
So without question, Google is emphasizing site speed, mobile responsiveness, on-page optimizations even more than we’ve seen in the past. If you’re not sure if your site is bullet proofed for the recent updates, contact us for a free initial consultation.